3D Staging for Book, Site Graphics, Headers, and Adverts
Social Media Packs
Social Media Packs
General Info
Social Media Packs provide an economical, yet high quality resource for authors who need branding on Social Media. It is a comprehensive set of images with headers for all the major Social Media platforms, and a few post sizes. View a full resolution example by clicking the thumbnail just to the right. This is a growing section, so please check back regularly.
Choose Your Pack
Select a suitable option from these Social Media Packs and your preferred variant. Send me the Code for the one you have selected (found below each variant, for example, SMP01-OS), I will then place your book into the scene, and send you a pack of nine images for Social Media.
What You Get:
- Facebook Header;
- Facebook Large Post/Ad;
- General Profile Image;
- Google Plus Header;
- Image Thumbnail;
- Instagram Image;
- Twitter Header;
- Twitter Ad;
- YouTube Header.
- These images are delivered with no promotional text. By placing your own text on the blank space provided, you can keep reusing them for future promotions.
- All the images are to the exact size and specification required each channel. If you alter the size in your graphics program, they will probably no longer fit properly.
- These Social Media Packs are provided as indicated on the screenshots. Unless otherwise specified, there are no options. You choose the type and variant style, and I simply place your book cover into the graphic.
- In order for me to do the artwork, you must send me your book covers, including the spine.
Social Media Pack Options
Each Social Media Pack includes a ‘Plain Jane’ theme, which is the only one that has background options. Choose between white, black, or a custom colour. Although the book can be presented on any coloured background, pale pastels or very dark colours work best.
To choose custom colours, please visit, http://htmlcolorcodes.com/. After picking the required colour, copy the ‘Hex’ code (after the # sign). Make sure that you have copied all of the six letters and numbers. Once again, please bear in mind that bright colours can look garish. Do not use the same colour as the cover of your book, or it will disappear into the background. Colour Harmonies or opposites work best, http://htmlcolorcodes.com/color-picker/.
Another option is for the background is shaded, or completely flat. For an idea, please view the samples below. A single image with your books on a transparent background is also available for $20.
Social Media Pack 01
Social Media Pack 02
Social Media Pack 03
My Fees
Social Media Packs
Buy the entire Social Media Packs and get all nine images.
Single Images
Buy each Social Media image separately if you don’t need the rest.
Terms & Conditions
- Book cover art must be supplied by the client at the outset of the work;
- Offer limited to one book promoted with one of the Social Media Packs. In layman’s terms, each of the Social Media Packs will promote the same book cover. You cannot use different books on different social headers and images. If you require artwork for different novels, you must purchase an additional packet of images;
- After consultation, design work will only commence after a complete payment;
- Please ensure that you choose an appropriate backdrop from these Social Media Packs. A white book on a pale background cannot be seen. If you are unsure, please discuss it with me beforehand.
Page Content
3D Book Staging
3D Book Staging
General Info

These 3D Staging for Book Scenes will stage your book in the possible light. 3D Book Staging is designed to be eye-catching, and pique your reader’s curiosity, encouraging them to grab a copy. Your book is fully rendered in a 3D environment, will have reflections, and blend in perfectly.
Choose Your Options
Some 3D Staging Scenes have variable options so check each option carefully for more details. Certain 3D scenes have parts and objects that can be coloured to match your book, and others can have different elements such as the surface or background.
- To choose custom colours, please visit, http://htmlcolorcodes.com/. After picking the required colour, copy the ‘Hex’ code (after the # sign). Make sure that you have copied all of the six letters and numbers. Once again, please bear in mind that bright colours can look garish. Do not use the same colour as the cover of your book, or it will disappear into the background. Colour Harmonies or opposites work best, http://htmlcolorcodes.com/color-picker/.
- 3D rendering takes a lengthy amount of time depending on the size of the artwork. There is no such thing as a quick change as it means a completely new render. This can take anywhere between 25-45 minutes depending on the complexity of the scene.
- Unless otherwise specified, all these renderings are exported at 1200 by 628 pixels. This is the correct Facebook ‘large image post’ size, and it also works well with Twitter.
- In order to create these 3D Book Staging Scenes, the complete cover, including the spine, must be supplied. If you only have an eBook cover, please discuss with me about having a dummy spine created.
- You must provide any custom fonts that are to be used in the 3D Book Staging. You must also ensure that you have the rights to use these fonts. If unspecified, I make use of fonts released as freeware.
- All artwork can be provided with or without text. Text styles and fonts to be discussed in advance.
Basic 3D Scenes
Name: Book Scene for Print Front/Back
- Background: Blurred Image/Transparent/Light/Dark
- Desk Material
3D Scenes for Digital Books
Name: Book Scene for Digital – 01
- Screen contents. Default is a screencapture of the book’s sales page;
- Background: Blurred background/Plain colour;
- Desk Material;
- Object Colour: Pen and/or pouch.
3D Scenes for Print & Digital Books
Name: Book Scene for Print/Digital – 01
- Background: Blurred Image/Plain Dark/Light Colour;
- Desk Material.
Name: Book Scene for Print/Digital – 02
- Background: Blurred Image/Plain Dark/Light Colour;
- Desk Material.
3D Scenes for Promotions
Name: Book Scene for Promotion – 01 – Light
- Background: Colour;
- Calendar: With or without text.
3D Scenes for Box Sets
Name: Book Scene for Box Set – 01
- Background: Light/Dark;
- Box Set: Plain colour or graphics to be provided. Please contact me if you need custom box graphics.
Name: Book Scene for Box Set – 02
- Background: Light/Dark;
- Box Set: Plain colour or graphics to be provided. Please contact me if you need custom box graphics.
Name: Book Scene for Box Set – 03
- Background: Light/Dark;
- Box Set: Plain colour or graphics to be provided. Please contact me if you need custom box graphics.
Misc. 3D Scenes
Name: Book Scene for BookShelf – 01
- Bookshelf Material: Light/Dark wood, or plain colour;
- Book covers: 4 different books. Place your book amongst a bestseller.
Name: Book Scene for Stand On Wheels – 01
- Background: Pastel colours or white;
- Poster & shopping bag graphic;
- With or without text.
Name: Book Scene for Book Box – 01
- Background Colour: Light or plain pastel;
- With or without text.
Billboard Scenes
Name: Book Scene for Billboards Day/Night
- Content on the Billboard provided by client. Please contact me for custom content;
- Day or Night theme.
Terms & Conditions
- All custom art, photography, or fonts must be supplied by the client at the outset of the work;
- In order to keep the costs down, only one revision is provided for with this service;
- Custom or complex new 3D Book Staging designs must be discussed and agreed upon before any design work will start;
- After consultation, design work will only commence after a complete payment. The final, full resolution artwork will only be released to the client upon approval of the watermarked drafts and balance of payment (if previously arranged for bulk items). This will indicate that the client has signed off on the project and is happy with the final product.
Page Content
Headers and Site Graphics
Social Media, Site Headers and Graphics
General Info
Good graphics are key to any successful website or social media page. Whether you need Site Headers, branding, or other graphic work, I can help you. Not all types of graphics are illustrated on this page, so feel free to discuss your specific requirements with me.
Original Graphics
If I have the original documents for your book with separate layers to work with, I can recreate an artwork similar to those shown below. For good Site Headers, all the elements need to be positioned for maximum impact and visibility.
New 3D Scene
Site graphics can also be created from a 3D scene as the ones shown in the section on Book Staging. Please note that the prices on this page for 3D work are when making use of an existing model. For custom work, please discuss it with me.
- To choose custom colours, please visit, http://htmlcolorcodes.com/. After picking the required colour, copy the ‘Hex’ code (after the # sign). Make sure that you have copied all of the six letters and numbers. Once again, please bear in mind that bright colours can look garish. Do not use the same colour as the cover of your book, or it will disappear into the background. Colour Harmonies or opposites work best, http://htmlcolorcodes.com/color-picker/.
- 3D rendering takes a lengthy amount of time depending on the size of the artwork. There is no such thing as a quick change as it means a completely new render. This can take anywhere between 25-45 minutes depending on the complexity of the scene.
- In order to create these 3D scenes, the complete cover, including the spine, must be supplied. If you only have an eBook cover, please discuss with me about having a dummy spine created.
- The final artwork is optimised to fit around your profile image so important aspects are not concealed under the ‘like’ buttons, for example.
- You must provide any custom fonts that are to be used in the artwork. You must also ensure that you have the rights to use these fonts. If unspecified, I make use of fonts released as freeware.
- All artwork can be provided with or without text. Text styles and fonts to be discussed in advance.
- Headers are provided at the required size for either social media, or your website such as a WordPress installation.
My Fees
With the ‘Book Based Graphics’ option, I will take your originals (if you have the layered document or if I have designed your cover), and rearrange them to suit the new landscape shape of Site Headers.
With the ‘3D Based Graphics’ option, I will create a 3D scene for your header based on one of my existing models. While almost any of them can be used, not all of them are suitable or even logical.
Please keep in mind that these images are best kept simple and to the point. Put the rest of your text in the body or your website.
Terms & Conditions
- All custom art, photography, or fonts must be supplied by the client at the outset of the work;
- In order to keep the costs down, only one revision is provided for with this service;
- Custom or complex new 3D designs must be discussed and agreed upon before any design work will start;
- After consultation, design work will only commence after a complete payment. The final, full resolution artwork will only be released to the client upon approval of the watermarked drafts and balance of payment (if previously arranged for bulk items). This will indicate that the client has signed off on the project and is happy with the final product.
Page Content
Book Ads
General Info
Good graphics are key to any successful Book Ads on social media. Whether you need a simple image to place your own text on, or complete graphic work, I can help you. Please feel free to discuss your specific requirements with me.
Original Graphics
If I have the original documents with the various layers for your book to work with, I can recreate Book Ads similar to those shown below. For a good header image, all the elements need to be positioned for maximum impact and visibility.
3D Scene
If your book has a light cover, a darker scene will showcase it in a more dramatic manner. While many of the examples are on a black or white background, a suitable complementary colour can be applied. Remember to specify which version you prefer for your book.
- To choose custom colours, please visit, http://htmlcolorcodes.com/. After picking the required colour, copy the ‘Hex’ code (after the # sign). Make sure that you have copied all of the six letters and numbers. Once again, please bear in mind that bright colours can look garish. Do not use the same colour as the cover of your book, or it will disappear into the background. Colour Harmonies or opposites work best, http://htmlcolorcodes.com/color-picker/.
- 3D rendering takes a lengthy amount of time depending on the size of the artwork. There is no such thing as a quick change as it means a completely new render. This can take anywhere between 25-45 minutes depending on the complexity of the scene.
- In order to create these 3D scenes, the complete cover, including the spine, must be supplied. If you only have an eBook cover, please discuss with me about having a dummy spine created.
- You must provide any custom fonts that are to be used in the artwork. You must also ensure that you have the rights to use these fonts. If unspecified, I make use of fonts released as freeware.
- All artwork can be provided with or without text. Text styles and fonts to be discussed in advance.
My Fees
With the ‘Book Based Graphics’ option, I will take your originals (if you have the layered document or if I have designed your cover), and rearrange them to suit the new landscape shape of the advert.
With the ‘3D Based Graphics’ option, I will create a 3D scene for your advert based on one of my existing models. While almost any of them can be used in an advert, not all of them are suitable or even logical.
Please keep in mind that some social media platforms, such as Facebook, have strict requirements on the amount of text that can be overlaid on your advert. Advert images are best kept simple and to the point. Put the rest of your text in the copy accompanying the advert.
Terms & Conditions
- All custom art, photography, or fonts must be supplied by the client at the outset of the work;
- In order to keep the costs down, only one revision is provided for with this service;
- Custom or complex new 3D designs must be discussed and agreed upon before any design work will start;
- After consultation, design work will only commence after a complete payment. The final, full resolution artwork will only be released to the client upon approval of the watermarked drafts and balance of payment (if previously arranged for bulk items). This will indicate that the client has signed off on the project and is happy with the final product.
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